Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cake and Kittens

Hello everyone. How has your week been?

Until a short while ago, my week had been lovely, with a cake made by D and a visit to see some new kitty babies that our son C and our daughter-in-law J are fostering.

Another large piece of one of my teeth has sheered off, so I will require yet another trip to the dentist. I think the tooth might need to come out, which I dread, but I can't keep having this happen. 

So, let's move on to brighter things to share with you.

As many of you know, August was a very special month for us this year. We shared several birthdays that month, but we could not have any birthday cake because we had been away. Yesterday, D made this lovely Victoria sponge to celebrate.

We took the cake to C and J and visited their new baby kittens. They are fostering them like they have done several others in the past. These sweet babies were found in a shed and are only about 7 weeks old. They are two brothers and their sister and have been named Kaia, Java and Checkers.

We had a lot of fun just watching them start to investigate their new surroundings. Kaia, the sister, is in charge of the trio, and her brothers seem happy about this arrangement. Hopefully, it won't be long before they all find new forever homes.

Wishing you all a good week.

B x


  1. Sorry to hear about your tooth, Bev. These things happen so suddenly and unexpectedly.
    The kittens are adorable. I hope they find good homes when it's time for them to become more independent.

    1. Thank you, Janice. I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself and eating very very carefully until I can see the dentist. The kittens are adorable and so tiny. Hopefully it won't be long before they find there forever home meanwhile they will have a good start in their foster home.

  2. What sweet kittens, I could watch their antics for hours. Hopefully you will have a pain free fix for your tooth. B x

    1. Thank you, Barbara. The kittens are so sweet and are just the size of my hand. Like most babies they sleep a lot, feed and enjoy playtime with each other. I shall be very cautious with my tooth until it is sorted.

  3. Teeth are a big problem as you get 'older'. I lost a couple when I was on steroids, and I'm sure that was the reason. What a very super cake!

    1. D always makes wonderful cakes and this one was delicious.
      I'll be ringing the dentist in the morning!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your tooth. I hope you get fixed soon and don't continue to have issues with it. Those kittens are so cute!! And that's a delicious-looking cake by the way.

    1. Thank you, Julia. I've managed to get an appointment for tomorrow (Tuesday) so I'll see what happens then. The kittens were so sweet to see for the first time and see them starting to explore. Cake was delicious and all gone now :-)
      Have a good week.

  5. Sorry to read about your tooth, just eat carefully until the dentist can sort it out for you.
    That Victoria Sandwich looks delicious and the kittens are adorable,

    Take care this week, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. I think the tooth might need to come out because there is so little of it left. Not looking forward to that! I will be careful eating for a while.
      It will be fun to see how quickly the kittens grow and hopefully they will get new homes when the time is right.

  6. Bake looks good. Here's to a better solution for your tooth.

    1. It was a very yummy cake and all gone now :-) Teeth will hopefully get sorted one way or another tomorrow.

  7. Oh my goodness, that cake looks delicious. How cute are those kittens, I'd be hanging onto all the waifs and strays that came into my care if I were a fosterer, I wouldn't be able to part with any of them, haha. I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with your tooth, I hope you get it sorted out soon.

    1. D always makes a good sponge cake and this was no exception. It's all gone now.
      C and J are such good kitty foster parents and knowing that when th ekittens leave they will be going to forever homes makes them happy. I'm so proud of what they are doing :-)
      I'll let you know how the tooth story goes.
      Have a good week. Jo.
