Sunday, October 6, 2024

Good Things

 Hello everyone.

The weather forecast seems to be for more rain again, so I am looking back at those things which have bought me happiness and sunshine in my life this past week.

Although our water companies are often in the national press for the wrong reasons, I thought I would share something positive that our own suppliers have done which has made me very happy. 

Several weeks ago we had a representative of the company canvassing in our street for water storage butts. I am always very wary of anyone coming to the door like that and was obviously cautious in my response. He was asking if we would like to receive one or more water butts for free to save water for the garden. We already have four of them dotted around the garden that were bought a various times but we agreed to accept the offer. We thought no more about it until one morning when there was a knock at the door and another man appeared with our new water butt. It holds 210 litres and came with the stand, connectors and tap included.

Yesterday, hubby fitted our new water butt at the bottom of the garden next to another one we already had. I'm sure both of them will be filled very soon and we can benefit from the stored water when we need it at a later date. I am a happy lady.

Something else that has made me happy is a new carpet for our stairs and landing. It has needed replacing for a long time, and a new one will now be fitted before Christmas. 

Also, last week, D and I went 'girlie' shopping. We decided that it was time to put away our Summer wardrobes and bring out more seasonal and warmer items, and this required a shopping trip. We left hubby enjoying a coffee and cake while we indulged in some retail therapy. We had a lovely time and came away with various new clothes. Two happy ladies this time! 

This week, I still have plenty to do on the cross-stitch project, and if it is too wet to be outside, there is always the greenhouse for me to play in. 

Whatever the weather is near you, have a great week enjoying what makes you happy.

B x


  1. I have three water butts and really rely on them.

    1. They are so useful. We have them dotted around various points in the garden.
