Saturday, March 15, 2025

In the Garden

Hello Friends

Having just watched the first episode of this year's Gardener's World, I feel motivated to do more garden jobs. The lead presenter, Monty Don, tells me I need to chit my potatoes ✅ and continue to mulch and weed the ground ( both ongoing for most of the year). Some of the other jobs I want to do are planting my onion sets and sorting out my herbs. 


Last week, hubby and I started renovating the pond at the end of the garden. It is smaller than before but will be more manageable for us. We have seen frogs about and hope they will soon forgive us for evicting them for the short term. There is still much work to do, but it is coming together slowly. Hubby needs to move a few of the shrubs, and we can also add more planting. In my head, I can imagine a seat for the two of us to enjoy the wildlife and the woodland planting.

First thing this morning, with camera in hand, I found all these lovelies. Some are flowers, and others are new shoots and bright stems. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I did.

Over the last few months, I have slowly rekindled my love of reading. If you have been here before, you might remember that D and I started reading Shakespeare's plays in 2024. This week, I finished the last of his historical plays. I am surprised at how much I have enjoyed them, as I would never have read them by choice as a teenager. D still needs to catch up a bit, but has almost finished the last play. Here are the plays I have read since January:

Henry IV Part 1

Henry IV Part 2

Henry V 

Henry VIII

I also enjoyed reading:

The Killing at Badger's Drift - Caroline Graham

The Crooked House - Agatha Christie

Alert - James Patterson

I. Alex Cross - James Patterson

My dollhouse is another hobby that needs more attention this year. D and I have been working on the kitchen, but it is taking longer than we had hoped to get it right. Today was a fun day for us as we visited a dollhouse show. There are always many lovely things to see and tempt us to buy. Here are the tiny things we bought today. 

So, it looks like a busy week ahead, with new books to read, a crochet blanket to be continued, gardening as often as possible, and lots to do on the doll's house. How is your week looking?

Whatever you do, I hope the sun shines for you, and you enjoy good health.

Best wishes from B



  1. Your garden is going to be absolutely lovely in a few weeks' time. Such promise in those photos. xx

    1. I'm looking forward to another gardening year and adding new things through the seasons. Trying to be positive that the weather really will start to warm up soon so that I can be outside more.

  2. You grow a huge amount of rhubarb, our plant is growing in our second year, so looking forward to picking some.

    1. It's a good job hubby and I love rhubarb. D is not so keen. Some of the plants are very old but they keep on producing good stems to eat. Some came from my dad's garden so are very old now.

  3. Wow your rhubarb is much bigger than ours.. we too have done a little gardening and I have seeds all growing in window sills, exciting times.

    1. It's good to see seeds starting to germinate after the Winter and see them develop into strong new plants. The rhubarb is always a good crop here and even the hardest frost doesn't bother it. I just give it some fresh compost every couple of years and leave it to fend for itself. Hope your plants grow well and produce good stems this year.

  4. So much to appreciate in your post. How do you fit it all in? I love the miniature items.

    1. Thank you, Janice. I'm trying to take one day at a time. Some days things get done or moved along while other days feel like nothing has been achieved. Swings and roundabouts I think.
      I want to try and work on the miniatures this week so that D and I can continue the story of the house. It was September when we showed the last room. The kitchen is such a busy place even in miniature. Glad you liked seeing all the mini items.
      Take care of yourself and have a good week.

  5. Lovely photos of your garden, it will be great to sit by the pond in the summer. Your rhubarb looks about the same size as ours, I'm looking forward to the first rhubarb crumble of the year. You have some lovely things for your doll's house from the show, it must have been difficult deciding what to bring home with you. Have a good week:)

    1. I have found that it is best to concentrate on the items for only one or two rooms at each show. There is so much to entice you and some items can be very expensive. I came away happy and now have a few things to work on over the next few weeks.
      Rhubarb always grows well here in our clay soil. Hope you have a good crop too.
      I am always surprised to see how many snapshots of colour I can find in the garden and it is always good to see each one.

  6. It's wonderful to see the new spring shoots appearing. And I love your little pond. Xx

  7. I'm hoping the pond will be filled with wildlife again very soon. I think we are all looking forward to those warmer days of Spring. Have a good week, Jules.

  8. So lovely to see all those beginnings, buds, leaves and flowers. Spring gives such hope.

    1. Spring is such a wonderful and hopeful time of the year with all the new growth.
