Sunday, October 22, 2023

We've Been Framed

Hello, and welcome back to our small corner.

D here, and last week, Mum talked about several small projects she had finished. I have been working on the brown scarf for a few years, and the pretty crochet flower was just what it needed. However, that was only one scarf that I had started.

Mum tells me that posting a picture on the blog might encourage me to finish this scarf sooner than the previous one.
We shall see!!

Here is my current progress. As you can see, the new WIP scarf is a lovely shade of blue, which reminded me of the sea.

During this week, I did a framed picture of some mermaids swimming with colourful fish. It will fit nicely with the colours in my bedroom when it goes on the wall.

And now it's back to B's corner.

I also framed a few pictures this week while continuing my quest to finish projects. The artwork is by a friend who works a lot with pen and ink, and the felted birds were by a lady at a craft fair I visited in Bakewell last year. Unfortunately, I didn't get her name, but her work will be displayed in our living room.

A few weeks ago, I saw a lovely little crochet bag pattern here and, with my limited crochet skills, decided to give it a go. I had plenty of yarn left over from previous projects and found some suitable fabric for the lining. The pattern was easy to follow and could easily be adapted to make it a bit bigger. I used some ribbon for the handles so I could use the bag to go out for a meal in the evenings. Project finished :-)

It has been so wet and windy this week all over the UK that it has been challenging to do much outside. I do hope all of you have been okay wherever you live. However, I managed to take a few pictures to show the progress in the greenhouse. These are the lettuce I sowed a few weeks ago, and they can now continue growing in a tomato grow bag.

I also have some baby spider plants, which are doing quite well. 

Here is a mummy spider plant with lots more spiderling.

As Autumn is here now, I am cutting out some fabric leaves for a project. It may even be finished by next week.  

And that is all our news for this week. Please keep safe if the weather continues to be bad where you are and D and I wish you a great week.

B and D xx


  1. Your greenhouse is producing good things! I have closed mine for the Winter.

    1. I do want to try and make use of the greenhouse for as long as possible. It does stay a little warmer in there than outside.

  2. The felted birds are amazing. It's not something I've ever tried and I don't think I will - too impatient!

    1. I haven't tried that craft yet myself but those birds were so lovely, I just had to buy them. Now they are framed and ready to display.

  3. You are busy crafting, I've stalled, can't sort anything, I love the felted birds, whilst I have been taught wet felting, I would struggle to get to that standard, they are beautiful. Babies on a spider plant are lovely.

    1. Thank you Marlene. The birds are lovely aren't they. Such a talented lady who crafted them. I love your felted hearts too. So pretty.
      I have lots of things I want to start now but I am trying to limit to a few at a time.
      Hope the weather stays ok in your corner and have a good week.
      B x

  4. So much creativity in one small corner! It's so satisfying when you have a variety of different projects to choose from.
    I have green-house envy now, as I'm currently winding down my little garden for winter - not much to do except a bit of tidying and cutting back. Maybe I can find a little one to squeeze in somewhere. It would have to be phone-box sized, but so nice to have home-grown lettuce all year round! Have a lovely week.

    1. Both D and I are enjoying our projects and we are trying to encourage each other to finish them as well!
      It would be lovely to find a tiny greenhouse that would fit your garden. I'm hoping the lettuce will do OK in the greenhouse at least for now. Wish me luck. Have a lovely week.
      B x

  5. WOw - there's so much here. What a creative and productive life. I love that blue scarf, the pictures are lovely, esp. the felting and those autumn leaves are great. xx

    1. I do enjoy a bit of creativity and D and I try to encourage each other to get things finished. I'm working on some acorns to add to the leaves at the moment :-)
      B x
      Thank you, Joy. Mum is already poking me to do some more rows on my scarf. I am a 'slow' knitter.
      D x

  6. Hello Beverly, I'm so glad I've happened upon your new blog, I've really missed reading about you. And here you are! Loved the framed picture and all the knitting, I shall be back to see how your lettuce will fare.

    1. Hello Chris. so good to hear from you. I have been trying for ages to visit your blog both from my old one and here. I kept getting messages about unsafe site and wouldn't let me in. 'But she is my friend' I wailed.
      Literally 5 mins ago my wonderful hubby came up with a plan that seems to work for now. So I shall pop over via my phones mobile data. I shall have a lot to catch up on when I come visit.
      Glad we can carry on being friends here xx

  7. Love your crochet! Mine is still sitting by my chair being
    Happy weekend!

    1. Happy weekend to you to Donna.
      I was really pleased with how the crochet bag turned out. Amazingly I have nothing on pins or crochet hook at the moment. It won't last long though.
