Thursday, December 14, 2023

Christmas 14

Hello again from Our Small Corner.

I'm still keeping thoughts short on here until the foggy brain and cold germs clear away.

Yesterday felt dark for most of the day, so I made this sweet, twinkly decoration to brighten things up. I bought the beads and pattern for the Christmas tree at a craft show earlier in the year and can now also make my alternative versions with different beads another time. It took me a while to unscramble the instructions, but I finally got there.

Thinking of you all, especially if you have been feeling unwell.

Have a good day.

B x


  1. Love your tree, useful pattern, glad you are feeling a bit better, horrible germs this year.

    1. Thank you. I have lots of spare beads from other projects over the years, so I will have plenty of choice to make other pretty trees.

  2. First of all, I wish you a speedy recovery... those stupid cold viruses, I was out of action for four weeks, my husband for two weeks and to console you, my grandson only three days... how nice if we could pick it out :-) So I'm sending lots of positive dream wishes to you...
    Your pearl Christmas tree is super beautiful. I like it a lot.
    A wave wave to you both from Viola

    1. Thank you Viola. I hope you are all well again now and ready for Christmas.
      I shall make more of these trees for next year. They are so bright and twinkly. Happy Christmas wishes to you x

  3. Been sick for the last 4 days...but still getting things
    LOVE the beading!!

    1. Oh no Donna, those pesky bugs seem to have got everywhere. I hope you are feeling better now. Thank you for your sweet comment. I do enjoy a bit of beading now and then. Take care of yourself my friend xx

  4. That looks so pretty. What a great idea. X

    1. Thank you Jules. The pattern seems to be quite adaptable to using other beads if I make any more sparkly trees next year.
