Saturday, December 16, 2023

Christmas 16

Good morning everyone.

I made this festive decoration yesterday. The jar is an old preserving one I found in a cupboard, and the string is from an odds and ends drawer. The rest of the materials, snowy flakes, berries and leaves, came from my stash of useful items. This version used artificial greenery but would work equally well with ivy, berries and holly from outside.

I poured some clear glue into the base of the jar and swirled it around before adding the snowy flakes, some of which stuck and the rest heaped up on the base. I used a small battery-powered candle as the light source and attached the greenery to the lid with several rows of string. It was a quick and satisfying seasonal project.

Have a good weekend, everyone x


  1. I love your decorations you are making, it reminds me of my childhood and doing things with my mum.

    1. Thank you Marlene. I do enjoy projects that are fairly quick to complete at Christmas. Glad they bring back some childhood memories for you x

  2. I like that - it's like a miniature storm lantern, only prettier.

    1. Thank you. It looks good sitting on our lounge window sill when the it's dark outside. A light to see people home.

  3. That's a pretty decoration and a lovely idea.

    1. Thank you Linda. It was a very easy project. It would probably work just as well with a jam jar. I would put some thread around the flame end and attach to the outside of the jar so it would be easy to get out.

  4. It looks absolutely fantastic and the sort of decorated jar that you can buy in shops for pounds!

    1. Thank you Chris. You are so kind. I enjoyed making the little display x

  5. Both clever and beautiful. Thanks for sharing. xx

  6. So pretty. You have some lovely ideas, Beverley. Xx

    1. Thank you Jules. It really was an easy and quick project to complete. Maybe you and Lily could make one next year x
