Thursday, December 21, 2023

Christmas 21


Good morning to you all.

This year, there have been several new decorations made for our home.

Today's little crafting project was a new one for me. 

Bargello is a type of needlepoint tapestry which uses upright straight stitches to make a mathematical pattern on canvas. 

I used 7-count plastic canvas and DK yarn to make my design and created two identical pieces joined together with a gold-coloured thread to make a bauble. A  hanging thread finished the work.

Have a lovely day everyone x


  1. It's a very simple but rewarding craft, I have done a couple projects.

    1. Yes, I enjoyed this project although I have never tried it before. I think I will try out some more ideas with this next year x

  2. Replies
    1. It was fun to do and once I had completed the first side, the second side was very quick.

  3. That's an interesting technique... your thread embroidery work looks very good :-))
    Many greetings... it's Christmas-time and there are Secret Santas everywhere, only the snow has disappeared... we have 10 degrees and rain.
    I've just come from shopping... the most important thing is meat salad and various sausages to warm up for the potato salad, I got the potatoes from the farmer... every year we look forward to our potato salad on Christmas Eve next to the Christmas tree.
    A happy Secret Santa hug to you.

    1. I think we have finished shopping now. I don't want to be in shops at the weekend. Enjoy you potato salad and meat salad on Christmas Eve. It sounds delicious x

  4. It’s beautiful, such pretty color and love the edging in gold.

    1. Thank you Denise. It meant that I could use a few spare scraps of wool to make something pretty and twinkly for Christmas. Have a great weekend and then a very Happy Christmas x

  5. The gold thread really sets it off beautifully. Xx
