Sunday, January 7, 2024

January Begins

Hello, and welcome to 'our small corner'. Beverley and D hope you have had an excellent first week of 2024, and we look forward to sharing our blog with all of you. Thank you for visiting.


The page has turned, and a new year has begun. What will 2024 hold for us in this small corner? We will let January start to unfold and see where it takes us.

There are no specific resolutions here, but D and I will try to read more this year. I finished reading Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales' at the end of December for the first time. My younger self would have dismissed this book from any reading list, but now I find it enjoyable following the tales of a mixed group of individuals on their way to Canterbury. It painted a colourful picture of Medieval England.

A new year has also seen us in this small corner having major clear-outs in the house. Hubby is working on clearing the garage of years of collected bits and pieces that might be useful- no, they won't! At the same time, D and I have been attacking the bedrooms and bathroom. We are feeling very pleased, and the house is starting to breathe again.

Garage before clear-out

Garage after clear-out

The first non-Christmas project of the year has been to revamp a picture frame with a bit of decoupage.

The crochet yacht was one of the first things I made when I first learned to crochet; however, the frame was a quick fix that never quite seemed to work. Now, it feels complete.

The happiest news we have to share with you all this week is that this sweet little rogue, Toby, will leave his foster kitten parents to begin a new life in his forever home today. He is such a character and will quickly settle into his new place. Good luck, Toby. 

However, your year has started, D and I wish you a happy week ahead. 


  1. Oh, my! I hope my garage ends up looking like your tidied version - well done you!!
    And good luck, little Toby. xx

    1. It is early days with the garage but it does look so much better with everything in proper boxes. The other end of the garage which is meant to be the utility still needs sorting though :-)
      It is good to know Toby will be properly loved and wanted by his new family. Hopefully his story will be a happy one now.

  2. Good luck Toby. Cute sailboat. I don't have my first crocheted or knitted project still. I remember them both though. I was just a kid, grade school...........back in the dark ages, lol.

    1. I still have the first cross stitch sampler and a gingham apron I made at school. They are packed away somewhere safely. I also remember my first knitting project - a cushion cover. Not sure where that went. Exciting day for Toby. I will miss him.
      Have a good week, Sandy.

  3. Well done on tidying the garage. That takes time I know. In our house I've only just slowly tidied away the Christmas decorations. I wait until Epiphany (Twelfth Night). Our Berkshire daughter who returned to her home had a family gathering when Epiphany gifts were exchanged. She sent happy photos of her family who near her. I hope you have a good week in your home.

    1. It was quite a mammoth task but it is so much better now with most things boxed up. Lovely to have a family gathering at the start of the New Year and share more time together.
      Have a good week, Linda

  4. Toby is so pretty. Although it's good he has a permanent home to go to, I'm sure you'll miss him.
    The decoupage is lovely - what a difference.
    I am impressed by your garage - so tidy.

    1. Toby was very photogenic right from the start. He will definitely brighten the lives of his new family.
      The decoupage was done on a whim but has made a big difference - like the last piece of a puzzle being fitted :-)
      Tidy at the moment in the garage.. how long will it last though!

  5. Toby looks very loveable. Wishing him a happy life. Well done on your clear outs. It feels good once you’ve finished:) B x

    1. Toby was very sweet but he could also be very mischievous playing with the older fostered kittens. He was a real character but will bring joy to his new family.
      My hubby got rid of a lot of bits in the garage thar were never going to be used. It is just a case of admitting that it is not needed and doing something about it. We both feel better for the sort out.

  6. Sounds a good start to the new year, my husband and I are determined to get rid of the extra stuff we brought with us when we moved here 2 plus years ago!

    1. I'm sure some things must replicate themselves over night because the job never seems to end does it! Let's hope we can both clear a few things this year :-)

  7. A new year is a good time to have a clear out, out with the old and in with the new, or at least new cleared space. I haven't read The Canterbury Tales but I've been reading quite a few classics over the last couple of years. Like you, my younger self would never have reached for Dickens or Austen but I'm thoroughly enjoying reading them now, or most of them at least. Awww, Toby is such a cute little thing, I hope he has a lovely life with his new family.

    1. I'm going to try and read a few more of those older classics this year. I like reading books my younger self would have shunned :-)
      Toby will be missed but his new home will be the best one for him now and we wish him good luck.

  8. It makes you feel so much better when you have managed to have a clear out, the garage looks so much better, it's something I must do this year. I'm pleased Toby has found a new home I'm sure he will be very happy there. The decoupage is a great idea and looks lovely. Have a great week. x

  9. When I manage to have a sort out the house really does seem to breathe a sigh of relief :-)
    I am pleased for Toby but I will still miss him even though we only saw him for a few weeks.
    I do enjoy adding a little decoupage to objects, it does give them a new lease of life.
    Take care and have a good week x

  10. I always think the New Year is a good time to clear out and de-clutter.
    Your garage looks so good.
    I wish Toby well in his new home.

    All the best Jan

  11. A very nice post Beverley and D. Already 8 days into the New Year, goodness! After failing miserably at these resolutions, I don’t make them anymore, other than trying to do the best I can with everyone and everything. I don’t remember reading Canterbury Tales, though I know about it, so thanks for putting that seed in my head. I do like the idea of reading more as I have slacked off in that department lately and I used to be an avid reader. We have our own garage to clear so know all about that, and inside the house. We have a basement of things we should be clearing out. A new year is a good time to start all that. Your decoupage frame is very pretty, as is the crochet yacht. Lovely to read about Toby, and always heartwarming to know these sweet animals will get their forever homes and yes, good luck Toby. One of my nieces fosters rescue beagles. There were 4,000 of them taken from a big laboratory here. We are very proud of her as many have health and psychological issues, and she helps them transition into a loving family that is ready to take all that on. In this situation there are very strict protocols to match them up with the perfect people. Such is the love of animal rescuers. She has been fostering dozens of them ever since and already has two family beagles who are getting quite old now. Wishing A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to you all, and thank you for being one of those caring, loving foster families.

    1. Thank you Denise. That is so kind of you. I passed your message to my son and his fiancée who do the fostering, although we all join in with the care when needed. Your niece is doing a great job too.
      Strict new year resolutions don't work for me either, much better your way.
      Both D and I are taking slow steps with reading some early classics this year. So far so good.
      Have a great week and take care x

  12. Having a good clear out is so liberating isn't it. I've no idea why we hang on to stuff for years.

  13. Happy New Year!
    Love the kitty and glad he has a home of his own.
    The garage looks great and so does your crotched boat!

    1. Thank you, Donna. Toby was a little cutie, glad he has a fab new home now.
      Hubby is very pleased with his tidy garage space and he has got rid of so much stuff which I am happy about.

  14. Yippee for kitty getting a forever home. Love the boat, very cute. Good luck with your project.

    1. I am really pleased with the crochet boat picture. A small change but it looks so much better now I think.

  15. Well, hello. so glad that you stopped by the Dollhouse. Good for you decluttering. We've been doing a bit of the same. We do tend to hang onto stuff don't we. Toby will be the love of his new family! Happy New Year

    1. I do love a good declutter and always feel better after a clear out. I'm sure Toby is settling down with his new family and will have a good life.
