Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Week in the Sun

 Hello everyone.

After a week in sunny Spain, my Hubby and I returned home to the UK's liquid sunshine (the rain) and breezy winds. D tells me it wasn't all rain here last week, but it feels chilly for Hubby and me. D did an excellent job on our blog last week and also looking after the house and garden. Thank you for all your kind words of encouragement. I know she appreciates every comment you make.

Our holiday in Salou was lovely and relaxing, where we could unwind and enjoy the sun, sea and sand. The hotel was only a few minutes from the nearest beach. 

Although our room was on the sixth floor, we had great views out to the sea.

Each morning, while eating breakfast, we entertained ourselves by watching the race for the best sunbed spots. We have been on many holidays where sunbeds were snapped up very early, almost at the crack of dawn, where a single towel had been draped over a sunbed and left alone for many hours until the owner eventually returned.

At this hotel, the entrance to the pool area was through a single set of double doors, which opened at 9 am. Despite this, queues still formed, and when the doors opened, a tsunami of people rushed to snap up their place in the sun. A few minutes later, those same people returned through the doors at a more leisurely pace, leaving behind their now lonely towels.

It was fun to watch but must be very annoying if you wanted a poolside spot later. 

Across the road from the hotel was a small mini/crazy golf course we visited several times during the week. We now have tentative ideas to do something golf-related in our garden mixed in between the plants. I will let you know if the idea gets off the ground. Dream big, they say!

We wandered around many areas with beautiful plants and flowers during the week, and here are a few of my favourites.

We had a wonderful holiday: just what we needed to recharge the batteries, and, despite all the negative publicity, we also had no hold-ups at Birmingham airport. Perhaps we were just lucky!

Have a lovely week. I will be around to catch up on all your news.

B x


  1. What a lovely selection of flowers. The sun makes such a difference.

    1. We saw so many lovely flowers while we were away. I could easily have taken many more.

  2. So pleased you enjoyed your week in sunny Spain.
    What beautiful flowers you've shared.

    I always enjoy playing crazy golf, it's such fun.
    I wonder, will your tentative ideas to do something golf-related in your garden come to fruition ... do please keep us posted.

    Enjoy the coming week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you. It was lovely to have some time away in the sun. The crazy golf was very simply made from kerb edgings and concrete blocks to creat different obstacles. The planting made it all less stark. That is the idea I want to try and recreate.

  3. A very lovely break in the sunshine. You must be feeling nice and relaxed. Xx

    1. Yes, it was a lovely break. Ready to get back to all the jobs back home. Lots to do between now and our holiday in August. Have a good week x

  4. It's good to hear you had a pleasant, warm week away. Welcome back!

    1. Thanks, Janice. We had a very relaxing week away. I shall be popping over to catch up with all your news now.

  5. It's good to get away on holiday. I'm pleased D was at home to look after the house and then welcome you back. It looks a great place where you could relax and enjoy a time away.

    1. D did a fantastic job while we were away. The holiday was just what we needed. We don't often do this type of holiday but it was very enjoyable .

  6. It's nice to get away to recharge the batteries. I remember having a holiday just along the coast from Salou with a school friend, happy memories. Crazy golf always seems to be a favourite attraction, I look forward to seeing what you do in your garden.

    1. We went to Portaventura when the children were younger and visited Salou then. Happy memories.
      I'll let you know when the golf idea gets off the ground. It might be a while :-)

  7. Oooh if I was somewhere where people were taking chairs all day and then not using them, I would be so angry! The hotels allow this?? It looks beautiful, though!

    1. Hi Sarah. We had a wonderful time away and it wasn't too busy on the streets and beaches which was a bonus. We did notice a hotel staff member puting notes on sun loungers that had been empty for some time and the towels removed to reception for collection by their owners. There was also a notice to guests to remind them that sun lounger should not be used in this way. I think it was an uphill battle though. We were ok because I can't stay out in the sun for too long but for others....

  8. How lovely to get away to such a super place. Some very beautiful flowers, recharging your batteries so now hope you're ready to dig that golf course in your garden??

    1. Yes, it was a lovely holiday for the two of us. It went quickly but I'm now glad to be home again. The golf is a crazy idea but you never know. Watch this space :-)

  9. It's so great that you had a great vacation. And you know, I would take a bit of a sandy beach now :-))
    Although I can't complain. We have nice weather.
    Thanks for the holiday feeling...enjoy it both of you. Best regards, Viola
    Thank you for photos.

    1. Lets hope that we all get some lovely sunny weather for the summer. Glad the beach made you feel in a holiday mood. Have a good week, Viola x

  10. Beautiful flowers...but I don't think it's fair for people to leave their towels behind! It should be, "first come first served".
    Glad you had fun!

    1. Hi Donna. We enjoyed the holiday and as we are not sunbed people it was ok for us. Annoying for those who do enjoy it though.

  11. It all looks lovely and relaxing. I expect for those anxious to get first dibs at the sunbeds it isn't quite so relaxing. Glad you had a good time:)

    1. Thank you, Rosie. It was a lovely week away in the sun.
