Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Small Amount of Crafting

Hello everyone.

It has been a slow week in this corner, and there is not much to tell you about. But that’s okay, in my book. Life is like that sometimes, and a few quiet moments can recharge batteries for what may come next. 

I have only done a few crafting projects besides the dollhouse for a while, so I had to look to see what I could find.

I have several cross-stitch projects I want to do in the second half of this year, and this week, I started the first one. It is quite a small project, but the thread count is smaller than I have used before, so I need plenty of natural light to stitch. 

This first part of the design, which is cream on an even lighter cream, was quite eye-straining. I will continue working on this project this week.

I’m also waiting for my next craft project pack, which will be much bigger, to arrive in the post. It will be a gift for a special family event in August, and although I don’t need to finish it until September/ October, I’m eager to get started as soon as it arrives.

The roses have been enjoying the varied amounts of sunshine and rain we have been having and are blooming beautifully, as you can see. 

I was 
also given these beautiful chrysanthemums today. Flowers always cheer my heart, no matter the weather.

Whether you have a busy or quiet week ahead, I hope it is a good week for you all.

B x


  1. Your roses are beautiful and the flowers you were given are a lovely contrast to them.
    I've got several cross-stitch projects under way but haven't got the motivation to continue working on them.

    1. Thank you,Janice. The roses look beautiful in full bloom. I can see them from my kitchen window. The chrysanthemums are bringing me sunshine inside even when the sun is hiding behind the clouds outside. I really do have to crack on with the little cross stitch scissor keeper this week to have any hope of completing the next one in time. For now I am quite motivated, at least on Monday morning :-)

  2. The scissor keep is lovely but I do have trouble with a small stitch count, I've had to resort to a magnifying light to see what I'm doing. Your roses are beautiful and such a pretty colour. Mick's uncle used to grow chrysanthemums and he'd present me with the most beautiful bouquet from his allotment, they're such cheery flowers, aren't they.

    1. Chrysanthemums are great flowers and they last ages in water. There is a huge range of colours to choose from too. I have had the rose for quite a few years and it has been moved around the garden. It continues to flower well whatever the weather we have. If I do a lot of cross stitching or other close up work I will try using a magnifier. Thank you, Jo.

  3. Your cross stitch is lovely, I have had to give up on cross stitch as it strains my eyes too much now. Your roses are beautiful, I hope that the rain doesn't spoil them, we wait so long for them to bloom and along comes a heavy shower of rain and completely ruins them. Have a good week.

    1. I have to sit in the conservatory to get the best light to sew and I need to be strict and stop when the light fades . As it is only a small project I'm going to try and finish it this week. The roses are still looking lovely but I don't know for how long. I will try to dead head them to keep the blooms coming. Have a good week x

  4. I'm always mislaying my small scissors - that keep would be ideal, what a great idea.
    The roses are very lovely. xx

    1. I was always losing my small scissors too. I hope the scissor keep will make them more visible. It is a pretty little project to work on though.
      Roses are always a favourite flower aren't they :-)

  5. Flowers bring so much pleasure and joy don't they.
    Your roses look beautiful and what a wonderful colour they are.
    Your chrysanthemums look very nice in your vase.

    Enjoy the coming week.

    All the best Jan

    1. The roses are giving me a lot of pleasure from the kitchen window and I couldn't have a garden without a rose. The chrysanths are very cheery to look at too. Have a good week x

  6. Your roses look stunning, a true picture of English summer, sadly I have not picked up my cross stitch for ages.

    1. Thank you, Marlene. The roses seem to have survived all the different weather that has been thrown at them this year. They are the flower that everyone seems to know and love.
      I think I shall be on a cross stitch marathon for the next few months so I need to stay motivated.

  7. Beautiful roses, such a lovely colour. Have a good week ahead:)

    1. Thank you Rosie. The colour and scent of this rose is lovely. Unfortunately I can't remember the name!
      Have a good week :-)

  8. I'm pretty sure those yellow and white mums would cheer anyone's heart. Such a sweet color combination...and a sweet flower as well. Here's to another calm and peace-filled week ahead.

    1. Thank you Jennifer. Have a peaceful week yourself and enjoy each moment.

  9. Your roses are gorgeous! Flowers bring me so much joy. I try to keep a vase of fresh flowers on our kitchen table at all times. They make me so happy! Have a great week.

    1. Thank you Julia. I am trying to maintain some colour in the garden all year round. It's harder in the Winter but there is always something to gladden the heart. Have a good week.

  10. Your cross stitch project is now just right...for rose season.
    And they are so beautiful in the garden with their scent.
    Enjoy the summer. All the best from Viola.

    1. You are so right, Viola. The rose cross stitch is perfect for the summer season. Summer roses are a classic and much loved flower. Have a lovely rest of the week x

  11. Your cross-stitch kits are very pretty, I like them very much. I love your roses too, absolutely gorgeous! You must have an excellent green thumb. How very nice to be given the chrysanthemums. Cheerful flowers, in fact a very cheerful post. Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you Denise. It made my day when I read your comment this morning :-)

  12. I enjoyed your blog, Beverly. Reading about something calm like embroidery always brings good feelings. It makes me want to try it too, in a way. Not embroidery, but diamond painting. Beautiful chrysanthemums. I love them too! 🌼


    1. Hello Aritha, thank you for visiting. The cross stitch is going well and the picture is slowly emerging. Diamond painting would be something fun to try. I'm happy that you like the chrysanthemums as much as I do.
      Enjoy the rest of your week.

  13. Those pink roses are stunning! Do you know the variety and is it a bush or climber? So many questions! :) X

    1. The rose is a bush rose but I don't have the label unfortunately. It might have been something like ' Special Anniversary' . I did cut it down quite severely at the start of the year so it might be why it has flowered so well. Unfortunately it does get blackspot but that doesn't effect the flowers. If I find a label I will let you know x

  14. What a beautiful project and the roses are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Donna. I'm finding it a bit tough on the eyes so the process is slower than I anticipated. It is still a pretty project and I will show the finished item as soon as I can. The rose is a lovely one and it has so many blooms on it this year.
      Looking forward to the weekend now x

  15. Agree quiet weeks are sometimes quite nice. Your flowers are breathtaking. What a cute cute little project, but I can sure understand why you need direct daylight to work on it. I've noticed quite a bit of change when working with certain colors during the day vs at night with a light on. Age does that to us I'm afraid. Happy stitching.

    1. Hello Sandy. The project is coming along slowly but I'm hoping it won't be long before it is finished. This week D and I have been side tracked doing other things as you will see in our next post. A busy week followed this quiet one. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
