Sunday, July 14, 2024

Days Of One Week

Hello everyone!

Moments after we posted last week's blog (Sunday, July 7th), D stumbled upon the fact that day was also National Chocolate Day. Needless to say, we were both slightly disappointed that we missed it this year.

However, upon further investigation, we discovered two websites that encouraged us to disappear down a year-long celebratory rabbit hole of international, national, and special days and months. We have had a fun week with some of these events.


After missing out on yesterday's chocolate indulgence, D and I were pleased to see that there was also National Chocolate with Almonds Day! Unfortunately, we couldn't find chocolate with almonds on our shopping trip, so we satisfied ourselves with some that had other nuts.

A late contender for the day was National Raspberry Day. Although my raspberries could be doing better in the garden this year, some ice cream with a homemade raspberry sauce was very delicious.

Finally, something that took me a little out of my comfort zone was National Video Games Day. I do have a few simple games on my phone, but D encouraged me to try her Nintendo Switch and play one of her games under instruction. It was great fun, and we had a happy time together.


This was a more relaxed day as we celebrated National Sugar Cookie Day. It was a simple recipe, and D added a little decoration. She bought the cookie cutter last year and it was her first time using it. We all enjoyed eating the cookies when they had been baked.


We had a lot of fun on Wednesday bringing out our old teddies for a picnic. It was Teddy Bear Picnic Day! All the bears have special meanings for us, so it was nice to share the day with them.

After we had put the tired bears to bed, it was drink time for the adults. Pina Colada day, anyone? Unfortunately, we didn't quite have this beverage in the cupboard, but we did have some Malibu, which was a good substitute. We're loving this week.

It was also National Kitten Day. I asked my son for a few photos of his young furry friends and added more of the kittens they have fostered this year. I have posted about fostering kittens and cats before, so it is good to have a day to remember the work that cat sanctuaries and foster homes do to find forever homes for these lovely animals. 



As the weekend approached, D celebrated National Swimming Pool Day by taking a dip at her local pool. She came home feeling relaxed and ready to join in another fun celebration. This time, it was to share Blueberry muffins on their day of recognition. 


Anyone for jelly and ice cream?

It was National Jello/Jelly Day on Friday. I haven't made jelly since the children were school-age, and we all enjoyed the wibbly, wobbly delights of this treat. Happy memories. 

Along with jelly, it was also the turn of the humble French fries to take centre stage—fish and fries for tea.


This was more of a crafting day for International Rock Day. We wandered around the garden, picked a few large pebbles, and bought them inside. We then decorated them with flowers, and they will make good paperweights now. 



D made her own mac 'n' cheese for lunch. It was very filling but so delicious: A national day we will celebrate again soon.

Finally, just for a bit of fun, did you know today is National Tape Measure Day?!  Neither did we. So, in honour of this little-known day, we looked for a variety of measuring equipment. Some are traditional measures, old and new, a wooden folding one that belonged to my dad, and a very long measure for use outside.

We have had so much fun this week and will certainly join in with more of these events in the future. Here is the address of the rabbit hole we tumbled down this week: Days of the Year

Have a great week everyone. I shall try and get that cross-stitch finished this week and avoid any new rabbit holes 😂


  1. So many of the 'special' days involve food and/or drink. It was nice to see the things you enjoyed consuming.

    1. Yes, there was quite a lot of food involved but it was still fun to do. D and I enjoyed the rabbit hole diversion for a week :-)

  2. Every day should be a National Chocolate Day :) I hope that the teddies enjoyed their picnic, and that those kitties will soon find loving, forever homes. Xx

    1. It was a fun week even if there was a lot of food consumption. Some of the other activities were good too. Chocolate Day every day, I like the idea but probably not great on my waistline :-)
      Getting the teddies out bought back lots of memories for all of us. My hope is that any fostered kittens/cats are able to find their forever homes quickly so that they can have a happy life.

  3. It does sound as if you both had a brilliant and interesting week.

    1. It was a good week Marlene. Although, I don't think I could do something every day of the year. Just an occasional dip I think!

  4. You certainly had a great week celebrating these special days.
    The teddy bears look great together, and I did enjoy seeing all the kittens.

    Wishing you a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. It was fun to do for a week, Jan. The teddies were happy as they hadn't been to a party for a long time. Those particular kitties all have new homes now so will have a much better life.
      Have a good week.

  5. This really made me chuckle. It's like saints - nearly every day is a Saint's day, although some are very - er - obscure.
    How about a National Nothing day? :-) xx

    1. I'm glad our week made you chuckle :-) I wouldn't be surprised if your suggestion was on the list somewhere.

  6. What a fun week you've had. I must admit I'm partial to chocolate with nuts, I could have definitely joined in with that one. Awww, such cute cats, I wouldn't be able to part with them if I was a fosterer.

    1. We did pick and choose the events to take part in :-) Chocolate just had to feature in there somewhere.
      I know it must be hard to let go of the kittens when they have a forever new home but I know my son and daughter have enjoyed fostering. Like you, I'm not sure I could easily let go.

  7. Who would have thought that there were so many special days, it certainly looks as if you have had lots of fun, I think national chocolate day is definitely my favourite.

    1. It seems like lots of people like the idea of a national chocolate day :-)
      It was a fun week for us and we will revisit it again in a while.

  8. What a fantastic week you had, chocolate, biscuits and booze and furry baby to cuddle.

    1. A highly recommended fun week :-)
      Not for every week though I couldn't keep up.

  9. My goodness what a busy and enjoyable week you have had. Two of my favourite things during your week, cats and kittens and teddy bears. I still have my childhood bears although we don't have cats anymore after years of looking after them.:)

    1. Happy memories with the teddies. We are fortunate to share cuddles with the kittens my son and fiancee foster and the two kitty girls they adopted. It was a fun week for us.

  10. How could I have missed Sugar Cookie Day?? I need to go back and celebrate - just to be fair! Such cute kitties...and what a week of fun you had!!

    1. Enjoy your belated sugar cookie day :-)
      It was a fun week but I think I need a quieter week now. I will take another look at the events calender in a few weeks and catch up on the latest national celebration days. Have a good week.

  11. You have shared a fun week with us, loved each and every day and especially the c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e :)))) I am always thankful that there are people who foster our furry friends, adorable kitties. So many good-hearted people out there. What a great week! Thank you so much for bringing me smiles and wishing you a great week.

    1. So glad that our fun week made you smile, Denise. Have a great rest of the week x

  12. How did I miss National Chocolate Day! But, then again, every day is National Chocolate Day for me! I have a piece of chocolate every single day. I absolutely love chocolate! What a fun week. All of your delicious looking food and treats is making me very hungry! Cute kittens by the way.

    1. Thank you, Julia. We enjoyed our week very much. I'm a big chocolate fan too so it had to feature in our activities somewhere really :-)
      The two black kittens have been adopted by my son and his fiancee. They are sisters and are very different in characters but still sweet.

  13. It's Chocolate Day around here much too often! lolol
    Love the week you've had especially the photos of the kitties! Precious...
    Happy week!

    1. Thank you, Donna. It was a good week. We had a lot of fun x
      Here's to the weekend. I hope it is a good one for you all x

  14. Absolutely loved this post! So sweet and funny (especially the substitutions, where you just had to say "Oh well, near enough!"). In honour of today (International Day of Friendship), can I just say thank you for stopping by my own small corner and for the kind words you left me. Now, let's start prepping for National Avocado and Raspberry Cake Day tomorrow! xx

    1. Thank you. I'm glad that we are blogging friends :-) It was fun finding things to celebrate during this week. We will certainly try another week.
