Saturday, January 18, 2025

January 'Wolf Moon'

Hello everyone.

It is halfway through January already, and we have had our first full moon.

On Tuesday evening, hubby and I took photos of the January full moon, also known as the ' Wolf Moon'. We thought it was spectacular. According to folklore and legend, wolves are more active at this time of year and can be heard howling on winter nights.

This first moon of the year is also known as the Ice Moon, the Old Moon and the Moon after Yule. Whatever the name, it was a sight to see and enjoy. Mind you, later on, we locked the doors and drew the curtains just in case a wolf decided to visit!

The rest of the week saw progress in finishing off a few outstanding jobs that I had been putting off: a cardigan had buttons reattached, a cross-stitch picture was framed, and a bag was washed and a button replaced - all little jobs, but they have been around for long enough now.

Meanwhile, Hubby has been painting and starting work on the kitchen floor. There has been lots of noise and some mess, but I can cope with that in the eager anticipation of a lovely new floor.

Poor D is feeling a little unwell at the moment because those nasty little germ bugs have decided to visit her. She wishes they would disappear into the night, along with any lurking wolves. 

I hope you are all well wherever you are in the world and that you are cosy and safe. Have a lovely week ahead.

Beverley and a very cold-infested D



  1. So nice! I hope D is feeling better now - children are infectious little beasts and they always seem so generous to their teachers in the spring term.

    1. One of the perils of working in school! She doesn't get colds too often but this one got through the defences.She just has a nasty cough now but will be fine in a few days.

  2. Lovely photographs of the wolf moon and apparently in January and February six of the seven planets in our solar system will grace the evening sky in an event popularly referred to as a “planetary alignment”... I'm sure there will be items on our TV's about it.

    I do hope 'D' is feeling a little better now, there does seem to be a nasty coughing bug going around at the moment.

    Enjoy the week ahead.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you for your comments and for the extra information about planetary alignment in January and February. D has that cough at the moment. Hoping it won't stay for long and I don't pick it up either. Hope the Winter germs stay away from you too x

  3. Great photos of the moon. I love that you locked the door just in case!
    All the best with your new floor.
    I hope D feels better soon. Take care.

    1. D will be fine but thank you for your kind wishes for her. I'll post a picture of the kitchen when it is all finished but it is already looking good.
      I just checked and there are no wolves at the door tonight :-)

  4. Wonderful photos of the moon. Your kitchen floor will look good once finished. I hope D feels better soon, it's the worst time of year for colds:)

    1. It was hubby who noticed the moon first and we both scrambled for our cameras. I was very pleased with the results. Hubby is taking his time with the flooring but he will make a good job of it. D is feeling rough at the moment with the cough but hopefully she will be better soon.

  5. Hope D is better Soon!! Everyone seems to be getting sick! Love the moon photos!!

    1. Thank you, Donna. D is coughing badly at the moment but I hope it clears up quickly for her. Glad you like the moon photos. Have a good week with your family x

  6. Wonderful moon photos and I love your projects.
    Poor D - sending healing wishes her way.

    1. I was so pleased with the moon picture most of which were taken on our new camera. I'll send D your kind healing wishes.
      Dare I say I'm starting a big new project! No time limits and it does involve wool :-)
      Take care x

  7. Did you hear any wolves houl? The moon was spectacular, wasn‘t it? I hope D is feeling better soon x

    1. Fortunately it was very quiet that night :-) I'm glad I took those pictures of the moon and that you enjoyed seeing them. Hopefully in a few days D will be feeling much better. Have a good week yourself x

  8. Hope D is bug-be-gone quickly! And so exciting to think of a new floor. I would love a new floor....maybe, just maybe, that will happen in 2025!! Ice Moon. That about sounds right!

    1. Hi Jennifer. Thank you for visiting. D is starting to feel better but in her generosity she has shared her bugs with me. Feeling a bit low right now! Still I have good people to cheer me up, a new floor starting to be put down and a new project for me to enjoy. I hope the new floor materialises for you this year. It sounds like it's pretty cold where you are so Ice Moon would be about right :-)

  9. I hope D feels better very quickly. I remember when our son was a wee one. He used to bring every virus back home with him in those early days. Can't imagine what it would be like for their teachers. Lovely post, those moon shots are wonderful, so atmospheric, and hopefully no wolves visited you, haha. I know all about those little jobs, I have plenty around here. The cross stitch and bag are lovely. I'm sure it felt good fixing all those little jobs you mentioned. Your new floor is going to be wonderful and it will be worth all the mess and noise beforehand. Take good care of yourselves and happy Thursday/Friday/Weekend to you :)

    1. Thank you, Denise. D is feeling much better but those pesky bugs have jumped ship and are now annoying me. Yuk! Hubby will be working on fitting the kitchen floor over the weekend so an interesting few days ahead. Glad you enjoyed the moon photos. I have a few other finishing projects but they will be left a while now as I want to get started on a new craft project. Have a lovely weekend x

  10. I was sick a couple of weeks ago. It's not fun for sure. Hope everyone around you gets better soon. Love that hubby is working on your floors. What a neat project.

    1. Being sick is not fun at all but unfortunately there are lots of nasty bugs around at the moment. Hope you are feeling better now. The floor is looking really good and hubby is going to be doing some more of it tomorrow. He has a day off (paid)work!!
