Friday, December 8, 2023

Christmas 8

Hello again from this rather poorly small corner. 

D and I are battening down the hatches as far as possible until the germs decide to move on, but that doesn't mean we won't be doing any crafting, baking or other Christmas activities. Just less than we anticipated!

So here we are on day 8. A whole week since we began this adventure. Today is the arrival of the penguins.

Years ago, I subscribed to Craft Creations, a lovely magazine that had many card-crafting ideas. Unfortunately, the company no longer exists, and after a while of the magazine being online with access to all the designs, it is no longer available. The design for these penguins is based on one of those ideas by Shirley Young.

The original card had the penguins in front of a Christmas tree but I wanted something simpler and therefore chose a simple watercolour paint wash. The mistletoe is wooden crayon with a few peel off stickers.

Hoping you all stay warm and dry.

B x


  1. I like the penguins. Keep warm, get well.

  2. Hope the germs are on their way out now. That is a lovely Christmas card - very effective.

    1. Starting to improve now, thank you. Sweet little penguins aren't they x

  3. I used to subscribe to Craft Creations! I got paid for having a project in there once for a fimo fruit basket card! I like the expressions on the penguins faces! Hope that you will soon be back to good health. x

    1. I used the company a lot when I first started making cards but liked the fact that you could buy one of something if you wanted and not three or five of the same. Such a shame they sold up.
      I will look back and see if I can find your fimo fruit basket card.
      I think I'm on the mend now x

  4. I love this! Too bad the company is closed...
    Happy weekend!

    1. Yes, it was disappointing that the company closed/changed hands and didn't carry on with that line of work. I got quite a lot of supplies from them. Enjoy the rest of your weekend too x
