Sunday, March 10, 2024

Mothering Sunday 2024

Hello everyone.

If you live in the UK, D and I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day.

Yesterday, I made these small 'mum' decorations for our tree. It is a way to remember our own family members who are no longer with us. 

I decorated the card flowers with acrylic paint, peel-off stickers and added a ribbon to join them together to make the word 'MUM'.

Here they are after being added to our tree.

This next week I will be staying indoors as the weather continues to be soggy. Whatever the weather is like in your part of the world, both D and I wish you a great week.

B and D 😊


  1. I like your mum decorations - very sweet.

    1. Thank you. I enjoyed making the decorations. Have a lovely week :-)

  2. That's a lovely idea to remember people. Yes the weather is forecast to be cold and we've had a wicked wind which made it feel very cold.

    1. Thank you, Chris. I was really pleased with the way they turned out. Drizzly today so a little more crafting I think. Have a good week x

  3. Many thanks for the Mothers Day wishes, I was fortunate to spend time with family and had a wonderful day.

    I do like the M U M decorations you've added to the twiggy tree, it looks lovely.

    Enjoy the week ahead, my good wishes to you both.

    All the best Jan

    1. Glad you enjoyed yesterday with family. Thank you for your kind comment about the 'mum' decorations. I'm starting the next item for the tree today! Have a good week.

  4. The decorations are cute! Very spring-like. X

    1. Thank you Jules. I liked using the pastel shades of Spring for these decorations x

  5. I love the decorations! Springy looking...the owl is precious!

    1. The tree is filling up nicely with all the events of the year. Another one to add next week.

  6. I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. Your decorated twigs look very Springlike. I hope to do the same for Easter although I'll be hanging shop-bought decorations that I keep each year. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Linda. I am enjoying filling up the branches of the twiggy tree. I look forward to seeing your Easter tig tree. Have a great week x

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment. I hope you got my message.

  8. The little tree is so cute with your decorations. The addition of Mum is perfect. Happy Belated to you, ours here in the states is later. I suspect you'll be adding something for St. Paddy's Day?

    1. Thank you Sandy. I am certainly going to try and do something for the 17th March :-)

  9. I hope you had a great Mothers day, that is lovely idea the tree looks perfect. We seem to have had continuous rain just lately, I need the sun! enjoy your week. xx

    1. Thank you, Linda. I'm fed up with the rain too. I'm trying to get on with those jobs that I won't want to do when the sun does eventually show its face :-)
      Enjoy the rest of the week x

  10. Your tree is filling up nicely Beverley. I don't think it has stopped raining here since November! I shall be staying mostly inside too! x

    1. Thank you Simone. It is good to see little seasonal projects being added to the tree. I'm trying to keep busy with jobs inside the house this week and probably for the rest of March looking at the forecast!
      Enjoy the rest of your week.

  11. Ann Rasmussen Just one question, what does it mean to "chit" potatoes? I have some in my pantry that look much like yours!

    1. Chitting is the process of allowing warmth and light to reach the dormant seed potato buds. It encourages strong sprouts to grow ready for when it's time to plant them in the ground. Sometimes, this happens in the pantry with potatoes you are using, but it is always best to use virus-free seed potatoes for growing in the garden. Some people don't bother to chit their potatoes and put them straight in the ground, which is fine but may give them a later or poorer harvest. I hope that helps.

  12. What lovely little decorations. Mother's Day can be bittersweet as we get older, celebrating with our own children yet missing our own mums.

    1. Thank you Jo. It was a good day. The flowers reminded me of happy days with my own mum. Hope your day was special too.

  13. That's such a sweet way to remember your dear mums. They are lovely! I'm too late to wish you a Happy Mother's Day but I hope it was a truly lovely one :)

    1. Thank you Denise. It was a lovely day for us even if it did rain some more! Sometimes a simple project is just the right thing for the occasion. Something else on the way for next week :-)
