Sunday, February 9, 2025

Night Skies

Hello everyone. 

After I posted here last week and snuggled down on the sofa, Hubby stirred me from my slumber to look at the moon. February, sees a planetary alignment of the moon and Venus. Venus was visible in the night sky, shining brightly on Saturday night. Here are a few photos that we took from our front door.

This one looks more like a crochet hexagon!

In my last post, I shared a few pictures of St Albans Cathedral, which we visited, and promised to share a few more with you.

Alban lived in the Roman town of Verulamium, not far from where the cathedral now stands on the hill. Christianity was illegal then, but Alban sheltered a Christian priest and became a believer himself. Refusing to give up the priest and his new faith led to his execution and martyrdom. The earliest church on the site was probably a simple structure over Alban's grave.  

The Victorians discovered this wall painting, painted about 1400AD under whitewash paint, and carefully restored it in the nineteenth century. It depicts the story of Doubting Thomas in the Bible.

This is the shrine of St Alban. 

The cathedral had so much more to see, and our guide was very knowledgeable. It was a shame we couldn't stay longer, but a return visit is necessary.  

Back home, my new crochet blanket is growing beautifully and can almost keep my knees warm while I work. The colours are so bright and cheerful - almost like having a lap full of pretty jewels. There are 18 colours, just as Lucy from Attic24 used on her granny stripe blanket, but some colours are different due to my yarn stash. 

D decided to leave the kitchen this week and visited a local coffee shop. She even ordered a warmed chocolote orange brownie with a dollop of ice cream! It looked very delicious.

Meanwhile, it was my turn to play in the kitchen, so I borrowed D's favourite cookery books and made some Carrot cake blondies. I had some shredded carrots left over from a meal earlier in the week and wanted to know what to do with the excess carrots. 

They are proving to be just as popular as some of D's baking. Does she have a challenger to her crown? Probably not. However, my success is encouraging me to try out a few other interesting-looking recipes in the near future.

That's all for today. Whatever your plans are for the coming week, D and I wish you good health and hope things go well. Take care.

B and D xx


  1. Carrot brownies sound interesting. I love carrots in all their guises.

    1. Sorry Janice. Your reply is further down- see cheesecake and truffles

  2. Lovely bright colours in your blanket and granny anything is always good. I bet those carrot cake blondies were yummy, trouble is just one is never enough. Have a great week.

    1. I am loving my crochet blanket making. The colours are so cheerful on a grey February Sunday.
      I have to be very stricy with mysel about eating the blondies so freezing a few is probably a good idea.
      Hope your week is good too x

  3. I did manage to freeze a small amount of blondies before they were all devoured by the family. I looked up other carrot based recipes Jane bakes and there are plenty to keep me happy, from basic cake to cheesecake and truffles. I must try those I think!

  4. Your blanket is looking gorgeous. Lucy has such a great eye for the colours she uses in her makes. And yours are lovely and vibrant. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. That is so kind of you. I do love Lucy's blankets. The colours are making me very happy and my knees are enjoying the yarn warmth. Hope you are Ok and that the coming week is good to you x

  5. The moon is fun to see and the stars and all the goodness about the night sky. I love that. What a great blanket. I love the brightness and fun.

    1. Glad you liked the night time photos. I find them quite facinating. I wonder what March moon will be like? I need a bright colour at the moment and the blanket is just perfect for cheering me up. Hope the week is good to you, Ivy.

    2. I'm doing a bunch of squares right now. Not granny square, just regular ones. Then I'll use black likely to tie them all in. I love the fun of yarn. It's just so crazy fun.

    3. I look forward to seeing your squares and how you put them together. Have a fun yarn day :-)

    4. Sooooo .... I ended up changing the entire thing. I didn't enjoy putting the squares together and I got tired of each square being the same size sooooooo.... I used the yarn from each square to make a whole knew odd shape thing that I'm really loving.

    5. I'm glad you have been able to make a design that makes you happy. Always a pain to undo work but in the end it's worth it.

  6. I did enjoy seeing the photographs of the night sky, great captures from your porch.

    I somehow think you may be going back to St Albans for another visit? There's certainly so much to see and a lot of History.

    I think your crochet blanket looks brilliant. the colours are so bright and cheery.

    Yum to your baking, those carrot cake blondies look rather tasty.

    Enjoy the coming week, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. The photos were taken on a new camera we have recently bought and we are trying it out in different situations. I have frozen some of the blondies as they disappear off the plate at a far to rapid rate. Another trip to St Albans in the Summer months would be lovely. The cathedral is beautiful and I loved hearing about the history of the place. The crochet is making me so happy at the moment with its kaleidoscope of jewel colours.
      Enjoy your week.

  7. I've never been inside St Albans Cathedral so it's lovely to see your photos. The bright and cheerful colours in your blanket will make it feel extra cosy and warm. Have a good week:)

    1. The cathedral is worth a visit if you are ever in St Albans. The stained glass windows, celings and carvings are stunning. There are also plenty of other places to visit in the area too.
      The blanket is giving me a lot of pleasure at the moment. Bright jewel colours and just a row or two a day. Just what I need. Have a good week :-)

  8. I find my blankets, etc, keep my knees beautifully warm while I am working on them. Lovely!
    I've never been to St Albans but my parents loved the breaks they had there.

    1. Thank you, Joy. My blanket is slowly starting to cover my knees and is cosy to work with on a cool day like today.
      St Albans is a great place to visit and I know why your parents enjoyed visiting there.

  9. I've never been, but it looks like an interesting cathedral. Your crocheting looks wonderful :)

  10. Thank you, Nikki. You are very kind about my crochet project. I will post more pictures of it as it grows longer.
    St Albans is lovely but probably even better on a sunny day.

  11. Your crochet blanket looks so cheery, beautiful color combinations. Talking about combinations, D's coffee and orange brownie is another and they would suit me just fine. Your carrot cake brownies look good too and a great idea to use those extra shredded carrots :) These old places like St Albans Cathedral have the most interesting histories. great photos inside and out. Wonderful nighttime shots too. I think something is going on February 28th also, hoping I am not wrong because I don't really know why I think that. I'll have to check that out. Happy week to you all Beverley!

  12. Hello Denise. Just finished another colourful blanket row. I love this jewel of a blanket. I did manage to freeze some of the blondie which will be a sweet treat for anothr day. I may even try some more baking this week. Thank you for your kind comments about the photos. I wonder what is happening on the 28th. I must take a look. Have a great week x

  13. The colorful afghan is coming along nicely. So pretty and cheery. Nice photo's of the cathedral. The night sky pictures are interesting. It looks like it was quite cold when you got your photo's.

    1. It was very cold that evening and we didn't stay outside long - just long enough to take the photos. The blanket colours seem to shine out more on a grey late Winter day and I am enjoying each new row.
      Enjoy the rest of your week.

  14. Love a colourful blanket! I am not keen on the yarn that Lucy suggests for her blankets but her colour choices are divine. Carrot blondie? I’d love to try one with my morning coffee, please. Cx

    1. Well this blanket is certainly colourful all the way. I'm happy to use the yarn Lucy uses although I have used a few other brands as well. The temperature blanket that I made a few years ago used the same yarn and is wearing well at the moment. I think it is ok for a blanket but maybe not for items that get washed often.
      The blondies were delicious and I did manage to squirrel a few pieces away in the freezer but I know that it won't be long before another batch is made.

  15. I love a good carrot brownie! My mom used to make them and my husband thought I was crazy. I've got a carpet cleaner coming out tomorrow and I need something to do while he's working so I'll be making a batch of these for sure.

    1. Hello Alyson. Thank you for visiting . It's lovely to hear from you.
      I was a little sceptical about carrot blondies myself before I made them but they are so delicious. An absolute winner.
      I hope the cleaning goes well at your place and you have fun with some baking. Have a good day.

  16. A blanket is such a great project to have on the go at this time of year, it keeps you warm while you're working on it. The lovely bright colours are so cheery on the grey, dull days too. Those blondies look delicious, a brilliant way of using up the grated carrot.

    1. Thank you, Jo. I'm loving the blanket and the gentle process of one row at a time. I'm also using yarn from my stash so a cheap project as well. The carrot blondie was a great recipe to try out and was a real success. I think there are some good versions on the internet as well. Have a lovely day and take care x

  17. I just love the colors of your blanket each time you share....doesn't it just make you smile to work on it? I hope you are having a good week. And kudos for finding a delicious treat with shredded carrots!!:)

    1. Oh yes. I'm smiling every time I pick the blanket up tp work a few more rows. The carrot cake blondie is sure to be a repeated recipe in this house. If I grow enough carrots in the garden this year I will have a ready supply on hand for more blondie. Hope your week is going well too. Happy Valentine's weekend x

  18. Love your blanket, Lucy designs some amazing blankets, I love the stories behind them too... what inspired her to design them.

    1. I'm just starting pattern row 32 so about a third of the way through the blanket. I am still enjoying working on it.
